Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Junior Update

Junior went to the doctor today for his regular checkup. First of all, he's perfectly healthy. That's obviously the most important thing.

Second, Junior is a BIG OLE BOY!

He's not fat. Lean kid...but....

He weighs 17 lbs, 3 26 inches long...and has a 43.6 inche head. 90th percentile on all those metrics!

He was 75th percentile on each at his last visit two months ago.

Around his last visit, Mamma had on some talk show one day and the topic of the show was fat babies. This mom was on there saying that her baby was 6 months old and weighed 20 lbs and he was FAT!

I thought at the time that 20 lbs didn't sound too far fetched! It isn't, but our baby ain't fat.

He also got shots today. That evidently wasn't too fun...not surprisingly.

Anyway, everybody's doing great.



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