Sunday, February 25, 2007

Movie Review with a Political Twist

Just watched "Babel" with Brad Pitt.

I'm not completely sure what to think about it. On one hand it was a well done movie.

On the other hand there was a lot of VERY weird stuff in it of a sexual nature.

For example:

A teenage boy watching his sister naked
A naked teenage Japanese girl throwing herself at a policeman and (clothed this time) licking her dentist's face trying to get both of them to have sex with her.

I could name more, but that's probably enough.

The thing is, the movie didn't have to have these things in it. Perhaps the stuff with the Japanese girl punctuated the point that she was crazy as a poop house rat, but there are other ways to make that point.

I also can't quite figure out if the movie was trying to get the audience to focus on communication differences, as the title may suggest and as the movie itself suggests, or if the movie was trying to make a political statement about guns/gun proliferation and U.S. immigration policies. My guess is that, since Hollywood folks are weird, the answer is probably D) All of the above.

If you ever want to figure out who to vote for in the next election, you should begin by looking at who the Hollywood elite is supporting and then DO NOT VOTE FOR THAT PERSON. That doesn't mean you SHOULD vote for some of the folks they are NOT supporting, but DEFINITELY DO NOT VOTE FOR WHO THOSE FREAKS THINK SHOULD RUN OUR COUNTRY.

Californication is not a good thing.

1 comment:

Rocks In My Dryer said...

Many, many good points in this post, not the least of which is the introduction of the phrase "crazy as a poop house rat". I'll be using that one.