Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Junior and Mamma Have Left the Building

Junior and Mamma just got on a plane for AR. It's kind of hard to believe, but Junior just left MI FOR GOOD! WOW! Lucky guy. :-)

Anyone going to the airport to meet Mamma, be forewarned. She didn't get much sleep last night b/c we stayed up late packing and the cat had her own kitty carnival last night with the various items of interest around our war zone apartment. This means she may not be in the best of moods. Good luck with that.

I, on the other hand, get to "batch it" for the week. Spaghetti for dinner every night after I run and some friends and I are going out on Friday for a "send off" party. Should be interesting, as always.

Mamma is heading home to prep the house for our big move in. The movers are coming here a week from Friday and our stuff should arrive some time that next week.


