Friday, May 4, 2007

Junior Update

Forgot to post yesterday. Sorry.

Here's a Junior update though.

I got home yesterday and sat with Mamma and Junior in the nursery. We had a big time.

Evidently, Junior find the word "peekaboo" HI-LARIOUS. I'd cover his eyes with my hand, remove my hand, and say "PEEKABOO". Hilarity ensued. Junior just found that whole thing funny as hell and it's hard not to laugh when a baby laughs. Therefore, Mamma and I laughed when he did.

However, what he found funny had nothing to do with the placement of my hand. He just really likes the word "peekaboo". I stopped putting my hand in front of his face and just said the word. Again, hilarity ensued.

So I said "peekaboo" over and over and over again and did it faster and faster and faster. This through Junior into a state of hysterical laughter. He leaned his head back with his mouth wide open and laughed for about a solid minute or more. I tell you, it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen! I laughed until I had tears rolling down my face.

Unfortunately, Junior shares his daddy's love (or lack thereof) for cameras b/c Mamma and I tried to film him laughing and - once again - he completely shuts off when the camera is turned on. Not that it would have really mattered. Mamma and I suck at filming. We reviewed the tape we did have and we didn't get his face in the picture anyway. Ugh.

Everyone have a great weekend!!!!!


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