Sunday, May 6, 2007

Junior Met Jimmy Buffett Today....

Well, not really, but he did sit quietly while his Mamma and Pappa ate at Jimmy Buffett's restaurant, "Cheeseburger in Paradise."

I got out this morning (after Mamma woke me up) and ran 6 miles. No worries there. Ran the whole thing and it felt good. I started off at a measured pace and finished up at the same measured pace. It is AWESOME when it feels that way: run a long distance and do it at a comfortable, conversational, easy pace.

I got home, showered, and then Junior, Mamma, and I drove to Cheeseburger in Paradise. Great music there. Not all Buffett. They throw in some "Dock of the Bay" and others of that ilk. Junior got to hear his first Buffett and some other good tunes. His Mamma and Pappa ordered some cheeseburgers. Decent burgers there. Some of the best I've had in Lansing, but that ain't saying much.

We then began our drive to Sams to pick up moving supplies. Mamma and Junior promptly conked out. I drove around for 45 minutes b/c I didn't want to wake them up. They finally woke up, we went to Sams (got the obligatory ICEE, of course), and came home.

Junior didn't utter a peep the whole time. He's a great kid.

I fell asleep when we got home.

I suppose we should so some packing now, but Junior's asleep. We all need to get on the same schedule.


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