Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Running Bleachers, Shake and Bake, and American Idol

I decided to do something different from my normal training yesterday. So, I left work a little early, drove down to the track on campus, and ran some bleachers. Surprisingly I'm not sore today. I figured I would be given that you use some muscles running bleachers that you don't use as much just running.

Mamma and I had shake and bake chicken last night. I don't think I've ever had that stuff but it was finger lickin'. I was hungry and Mamma never eats all of her meal, so I figured I would just take 1/3 of her chicken breast (this could be part of the reason that Mamma is slim and trim and me...well..not so much).

That was a mistake. Mamma was none too pleased I had stolen her shake and bake. She got over it though.

We watched American Idol last night. I know. I know. I like the show, OK. It's kind of one of those things that you don't want to admit to many people but I guess I just did.

Anyway, Barry Gibb of Bee Gee's fame was the celebrity host last night. He looks like a monkey. You know how monkeys have a round snout? His upper lip is abnormally white and looks round. Plus, he talks with some kind of lisp. That coupled with an Australian accent (I think he's Australian..too lazy to look it up) and he was derned hard to understand.

Back to work.


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