Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mamma and Junior Made it to AR

Mamma and Junior made it home safe and sound. They were greeted at the airport by three very happy grandparents (no big surprise there, eh?).

Pappa (that would be me) ran 4 miles yesterday and then came home to the war zone apartment, fixed some chicken spaghetti, talked on the phone to Timbes for an hour or so, talked on the phone to Mamma for a while, did a little packing, then went to bed.

Oh, the glamourous life of a (temporary) bachelor. :-)

I'm losing my mind though. There was a clean shirt left out on the bed yesterday that I moved last night and now can't seem to find. Also, there was a travel size bottle of contact solution in the bathroom that now seems to have come up missing. I don't know what the hell I did with either of these.

Paging Mamma. Come in Mamma. Please report back home b/c I can't seem to pull my head out of my a$$ when you're gone.


Lost in MI

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