I don't even know what they're called. I just know that someone we know up here gave us a used one and, in all the hustle and bustle around here, we had forgotten that we had it...until yesterday.
Well, Junior falls asleep faster in that thing than a narcoleptic dog on Ruhipinol (there really are narcoleptic dogs....I saw a show on them on TV the other night....funny stuff...One minute this dog is booking it down the hall...The next minute he/she slows down with a drunk look and then just plops down on the floor for a good nap). The best thing is that Junior STAYS asleep in this thing. Even stays asleep AT NIGHT. I discovered that last night and felt like I just discovered penicillian.
Here's a couple of shots of Junior in his swing:
The dog (not the narcoleptic ones mentioned above, but our dog Bailey, and no we do not give Bailey Ruhipinol) is happy about this too. Here's Bailey before the baby:
You'll notice that she's upright and looking chipper. Well, here's Bailey almost 1 week after Junior's arrival at home:
Here's all the reaction I could get out of her shortly thereafter:
That's one tired pooch.
So, Bailey and Pappa send our warmest regards to the inventor of those baby swing things and have composed the following modeled after the "Real Men of Genius" Bud Light advertisements:
Pappa and Bailey salute the inventor of the baby swing thing (female voice sings: Real Men of Genius)
You could have cured cancer but you chose to invent a baby sized swing (You've got your priorities straight)
Parents and dogs everywhere sleep more soundly because you rock their babies to sleep (Don't need to drug that dog)
So, here's to you Mr. Inventor of the baby swing thing.
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