Sunday, December 17, 2006


Greetings and Salutations One and All,

Welcome to "Rooting in Snow", my blog whose primary purpose is to show off the "Greatest Show on Poop", Junior (name changed to protect the innocent). Junior (8 lbs 2 ounces, 21 inches) was born December 9th, 2006 in MI at 10:34 in the morning. Evidencing the fact that he was a lazy bum from conception, Junior refused to flip during the pregnancy. Thus, he was a breech baby and we had to have a c-section.

Personally, c-sections are fine with me. We got to schedule the exact time/date for the little guy to be born. However, my wife (who doesn't know I've started this blog....but she will when she checks her 2008) may disagree since she is the one who had to go through the actual surgery. At any rate, she handled everything perfectly and has exhibited a high degree of toughness and resiliency.

Me, on the other hand, I'm a wuss when it comes to getting no sleep (and other things but let's focus on sleep deprivation right now). So I've decided to take 3rd shift when it comes to baby maintenence.

This is where you probably say, "Pappa, what the hell do you mean you are a wuss when it comes to sleep deprivation yet you have taken 3rd shift?". Well, the answer is easy my fine feathered friend: I go to sleep at 6 AM, wake up at noon, mess around the rest of the day b/c my wife and mother-in-law think that I'm a good dad for staying up all night with Junior and therefore don't make me do much, take a nap from about 8 PM to whenever I wake up/they go to bed, and start all over again.

Really it's not as bad as you might think. I told my dad the other day that it's like being in college again except I get peed on. To which he replied that getting peed upon really doesn't differentiate my experience as a 3rd shift father from my experience in college at all. I knew I shouldn't have let them come to Fayetteville so often.

So, welcome to "Rooting in Snow". So named b/c of my affinity for Hogs and the fact that I live in MI where the annual snowfall in inches is equal to the annual GDP in dollars of Turkministan. Enjoy these pictures of Junior and crew. I'll make every effort to add new content on a regular basis and I'll also add text content as I see fit. If you don't like any of it, leave a comment and expect a flaming bag of baby poo on your doorstep to be delivered in a timely fashion.

Another note, I'm going to try to keep my name and the names of others off of here to prevent any of my family from being stalked by loonies. So call me pappa, a-hole, whatever makes you happy, just don't use my name.





Anonymous said...

Yes, you are a natural-born blogger, I can tell. Welcome to the club! ;)

Anonymous said...

Spelling boy, Spelling!

You must be from Arkansas "becuase" of the way you spell! Maybe it's just the sleep depravation or just plain depravity! (Just kidding--had to find something to pick on)

Otherwise, clever. Very Clever.

Congratulations and Best Wishes!

Dr. J.

P.S. Has Jr. had his first beer yet? Never too young to start!