Friday, January 12, 2007

AR State Parole Board Resignation

Following are the reasons that an AR State Parole Board Member was forced to resign from his post. This is copy and pasted directly from an article in the ARDEMGAZ found at:

1. Rudeness at parole hearings.
2. Poor treatment of inmates’ families.
3. Taking snacks provided at the hearings and becoming angry if snacks were not available.
4. Routinely hugging a female staff member and patting her buttocks.
5. Informing a female staff member that he has two favorite things, “p***y and p***y.”

6. Photos on his state computer of women and a man in the nude and off-color jokes. One long joke made fun of illegal aliens.


EDIT: One of the best/worst thing about this is that this is one of the folks in charge of LETTING PEOPLE OUT OF PRISON!

Pediatrician updates coming later today. Stay tuned.



Coleen said...

What I found more interesting about the story was that the former governor of the state, Mike Huckabee (who is thinking about running for president!?), did not permit this information about the parole board member to be revealed, claiming that the governor's working papers exemption from the Freedom of Information Act entitled him to keep it from the press and public. The newspaper sued, and the state lost, but the former governor directed an appeal. We know about it now because the new governor immediately directed the attorney general to drop the appeal and then released the information.
I find the former governor's actions about as reprehensible as the parole board dude's.

Pappa said...


I agree wholeheartedly. Some people are worth protecting. This guy obviously wasn't quite up to snuff.

