Monday, January 29, 2007

Junior Update and Other Random Tidbits

I'm amazed at how fast these little creatures, referred to as babies, grow. If I don't get to spend a lot of time with him for a couple of days, I SWEAR I can tell he's gotten bigger. His feet, hands, head, legs, EVERYTHING.

He's gotten to be a chunky little thing. Yet another way he takes after his daddy, but I passed chunky a long time ago. Shoot, I'm just trying to get BACK to chunky.

Anyway, he went from chunky when he was born, to skinny, and now back to chunky. He's a good lookin' little feller though.

We're completely out of the newborn outfit business and have moved into the 1-3 month outfits. We're pretty well stuck on 6 ounces per feeding or a little less. Sometimes he'll budge over the 6 ounce mark, but not often.

He's also starting to use his voice more too...and not just for crying! He hasn't recited the Star Spangled Banner yet, or said "Wooo Pig," but we're working on it.

Junior is a Razorback fan, though. We have a mobile above his crib with little, stuffed Razorbacks on it (thanks for the gift!) and Mamma came running in to get me last night to tell me that he was lying there, staring at the Hogs. Good way to score points with Pappa, Junior!

I've got some good pics from when Grandma and Grandpa V were up here that I need to post. I've also got some other pics, and need to take a few more, and put them up here for all to see.

I'll do my best to get on that ASAP.

What else is going on? Well, we're coming down to AR the week of Feb 19th to look at houses. I've been in touch with a local mortgage broker and she ran our credit. No problems there, thankfully. You never know what's going to pop up but I monitor my credit fairly closely and didn't anticipate any problems but, again, you just never know. Thankfully no issues. We're qualified for more house than we would even DREAM of buying. Mamma and I are both pretty conservative when it comes to spending money so we're not going to be moving into a mansion any time soon.

This brings up another point: my clothes are WAY outdated. Not that I've ever been the king of fashion (FAR from it, in fact) but I've got to invest in some clothes when we get back home.

More importantly, I've got to invest in some new hunting gear. I don't have any boots and I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of other stuff I need (read: want). ;-)

I've spent more on Razorback paraphenalia over the past 5 years than I've spent on clothes for work. Guess that shows where my priorities lie, eh?

International visitors: I've gotten a few more international visitors lately. One from the Phillipines and one from Canada. These have to be folks that are just scrolling through blogs b/c I'm certain that there's nothing on this blog that would draw random people in. They don't come back either. Ya'll fereners come back now, ya hear!

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