Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Junior is Outgrowing Things

As referenced in the post below regarding our last pediatrician appt, Junior is growing like a weed.

At our first pediatrician appt the doctor said that babies put on 2 ounces per week during this time in their lives (I think it was "per week"). Since he was born Junior has not only put on weight, but has grown in length (up to 22.5 inches if I remember correctly).

In fact, he's started to outgrow some of his newborn outfits. This is very distressing to Mamma. She commented the other day that she wished Junior could "mature" but not grow. Maybe we should try that growth inhibitor stuff those crazy folks recently got press for? Nah. Let the little sucker grow.

The sooner he grows, the sooner he can walk on his own. Of course, the sooner he walks on his own, the sooner he gets into things, but that will give me more to write about. I can see it now:

"Well, Junior has been walking for 3 months now. In fact, he's learned to run. Misty the cat is very distressed about this b/c she is now being chased around the house by a screaming mad man running around like hamster on riddilin (sic)."

That's a funny mental picture, by the way. Can you picture a hamster on stimulants? Like those things aren't hyper enough. If there was a way to do it without being inhumane (or unsanitary) I'd like to get a rodent and turn it loose in the house just so I could watch the cat and dog chase it around. That would be free comedy. I could shut off the cable and internet and just watch that (literal) rat race.

Few things make me laugh like watching Misty bat things around. We sometimes buy those little boxes of raisins. Whenever we're eating one of them (the raisins...not the box itself) the cat jumps up and watches us intently until we finish the box. We then toss the box on the floor and hilarity ensues.

Unfortunately, the hilarity is short lived. The cat has this sadomasichistic habit of knocking her toys UNDER objects that she has no chance of retrieving them from. Thus, we don't buy her toys anymore b/c she only gets to play with them for about 10 seconds each. After 10 seconds, she's batted the toy underneath something (e.g. the stove, entertainment center, etc...). Now, this brings on another fun game: she steps back about 2 feet and takes a running go of throwing herself against the object while simultaneously doing a baseball slide with her front paw/leg to try to reach far enough under the object to retrieve said toy. Of course, this just results in the toy being pushed back fur-ther (get it...FUR....ha!).

Anywhoo, back to Junior:

Junior has also outgrown his bottles. He used to be content taking 2 ounces of food/feeding. Then it bumped up to 3. Then it went up to 4 (the limit of his current bottles). Now he takes 5 or more ounces on a fairly consistent basis. SLOW DOWN THERE, FATTY!

Actually, from a very selfish/pragmatic point of view this is a good thing. The pediatrician indicated that the more the baby eats, the more his stomach expands. The more his stomach expands, the longer he can go between feedings. The longer he can go between feedings, the longer he can sleep without needing to be fed. The longer he can sleep without needing to be fed...well...there are a lot of advantages to not having to be fed every 2 hrs, not the least of which is parental sleep.

I really have no right to complain about lack of sleep now. I still don't get as much as I used to, but Mamma really bares the brunt of it. Since I have to go to work every day, Mamma not only takes care of Junior all day, but all night as well. Further, she never complains about it.

If I had to get up with Junior every two hours, hell, I'd probably start a blog to complain about it. Wait a minute...

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