Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Just a Reminder

Hey All,

First, I've enjoyed this whole blogging thing more than I thought I would. Part of the reason I like my job is because I get to write for a living and I enjoy writing. This whole blogging thing is just another outlet for writing. OK, I'm a geek I suppose.

Second, I want to say that I also enjoy getting comments/feedback and appreciate those of you who have left comments. It makes this whole thing a little more interactive.

Just a reminder though, if you leave a comment, and you click the "anonymous" button without letting me know who you are, then consequently I have no idea who you are. Funny how that works.

So, 2 points:

1. Feel free to leave as many, or as few, comments as you like.
2. If you're comfortable doing so, be sure to let me know who you are. You obviously don't have to reveal your identity to the world if you don't like but give me a clue if you're comfortable doing so.

One more thing, I'll try to do a better job of responding to the comments too.

Take care,



Anonymous said...

So, Baily and Maverick could mate and we would make Snuggles...the next new designer puppy! We will make a FORTUNE!
I will e-mail you a pic!!!

Love ya. Cuz M

Rocks In My Dryer said...

I'm here and reading!