Friday, March 9, 2007

Hogs Win and Socialized Medicine


Wow!!! What a game!!

I'm sticking to my guns though, if for nothing else b/c it seems to be good luck: Stan Heath's last game as a Hog is tomorrow.

If the Hogs win tomorrow, they are VERY likely to go to the tournament and Stan keeps his post. We'll see. I say Hogs lose.

On another note:

Do you want to know what socialized medicine looks like: Walter Reed.

Can we ever put the idea to bed that (completely) socialized medicine is a good thing? When there's no accountability, too much paperwork, and too much bureaucracy, you have defined a government run organization where nothing gets done.

If the government won't take care of injured soldiers do you think they'll take care of Aunt Gertrude?

Idea from Ronald Bailey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If a Dem wins the next presidental election, a national health care system will be on the docket. I think each of the 3 Dem front runners (Hillary, Obama, and Edwards) have all come out supporting socialized medicine.