Sunday, March 4, 2007

Human Caused Global Warming is B.S.

Then again, that's just my opinion and I've got an axe to grind b/c I can't stand the global warming, yeah that's it - global warming, tree hugging hippies.

Do I want clean air? Well, yeah! Who doesn't want clean air. Do I think that humans are causing climate change of a global proportion? Hell no. We humans are an entirely too arrogant group with a complete lack of perspective. We can't even model the supply chain of a large corporation yet we create models of our global climate, based upon a litany of assumptions, and then purport that humans causing climate change is FACT.


Further, why don't we get alternative explanations for global warming as the Brittish do?


One of the more interesting points in that snippet is that increased CO2 levels may actually be CAUSED BY GLOBAL WARMING...not vice versa!

If humans would actually stop and think about how little we truly know about our world, we would laugh at people who claim to know all the answers about a system so huge that we cannot begin to fathom its enormity. Hell, we can't even predict what the weather is going to do next week very well yet the wackos will tell you what it's going to do 100 years from now (and FURTHER OUT!!). Pardon me if I'm skeptical...and not just b/c I hate hippies.

Thanks to Darren at Right on the Left Coast for finding this.

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