Friday, April 13, 2007

Forgot to Post Yesterday

Sorry 'bout that. It's been hectic at work.

My goal this semester was to get enough publications done that I could be derned close to the tenure requirements at my future institution. I've gotten a CRAPLOAD done this semester! From a publication standpoint, I have:

1) Written a book chapter that will be published soon

2) Supervised a MBA student that wrote a manuscript that will be published soon (with my name on it)

3) Written an article to be submitted to a journal that is either tied for #1 or the #2 journal in my field, depending on your perspective

4) Written an article from my dissertation that will be submitted to the #1 journal in my field

5) Worked on a publication from my dissertation that will be submitted to one of the top journals in the business discipline

6) Worked on a publication with my old mentor up here (he moved to FL...that doofus!) which will be submitted to the #1 journal in my field

7) Been to DC to do a poster presentation

8) Speaking at a conference next week (held locally) and doing a poster presentation there

9) Was asked to join a project and have been working on collecting data.

Not to mention the previous projects I was on, having a new baby, buying a house, keeping the wifey happy - which is not hard b/c she's awesome - training for a marathon, and on and on and on.

More exciting news on the professional front: I have been working with my dissertation chair, who is also the primary researcher on the Homeland Security project I've been involved with for 3 years, on figuring out a part of the project I can take with me to my future institution. The current project is up for renewal, we've been asked to renew (meaning it will probably get renewed), and I would get a little funding to take with me and have my own "baby" (so to speak).

This would be exciting not just for me but for my future institution. It would be a big feather in their cap to be involved in this project. Not to mention it would make me look good to them as well.

Anyway, I have three more manuscripts to write in the next 1.5 mos. It's going to be a challenge but can be done. I've written one a week each of the past two weeks.

Here is where my abnormal sleeping habits come in handy (reference previous post about how I only sleep 5-6 hours every night and get to work before 7 AM every day).

I need 8 "intellectual contributions" (i.e. they don't have to be all journal hits) to get tenure. I've almost met my mark this semester and that will make life MUCH easier in the future. I'll still have to wait 6 years, still have to keep publishing, still have to teach well, still have to not make anybody mad at me, and still have to clear all the other political and non-political hurdles, but at least I'll know that I've got enough pubs to get tenure when that time comes.

Tenure is never guaranteed but publications also never hurt.

Speaking of my future institution, which means "speaking of home". I don't know if it is truly possible to explain how excited we are about returning. Just the thought of it made the past two cold, snowy, miserable weatther filled weeks up here bearable. The problem is that now we have to start packing. The problem with this problem is that we don't have the long blocks of time necessary to do so. Therefore, we have to just do a little bit every night after Junior hits the rack. I'm headed to Sam's this afternoon to buy all necessary materials. Fun fun.

The best part about going to Sam's is that they have Icee's there. I love me some Coke Icee's. You know what Icee's are...those frozen coke things. Good stuff!

I've got more pics of Junior to put on here. I meant to do that last night but Mamma and I had "date night" (i.e. take out food on the couch). I'll do my best to get them up soon. Sorry for the delay and thanks for your understanding.

OK, I missed posting yesteday but you got a big one today. Hope that makes up for it.

Take care,


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